101 Would You Rather Travel Questions For Anyone Who Loves Traveling

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The following is a list of 100 plus fun as well as thought-provoking ‘Would You Rather’ travel questions.

If you are a travel bug you are going to love this list.

1. Would you rather travel with friends, family, or your significant other?

2. Would you rather travel through time or travel through space?

3. Would you rather travel for the rest of your life or never leave your home state again?

4. Would you rather travel around the world or start a family?

5. Would you rather travel to a new place or return to the same place annually?

6. Would you rather travel or go on a vacation?

7. Would you rather visit every country in the world or go to space?

8. Would you rather travel 20 years into the past or 20 years into the future?

9. If time weren’t an issue, would you rather travel by ship, train or by plane?

10. Would you rather travel abroad alone, or with a group?

11. Would you rather plan your own trip, or let the locals tell you the best places/things to do/etc?

12. Would you rather have time travel or teleportation?

13. Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great grandchildren?

14. Which country would you rather visit, Italy, or Greece?

15. Would you rather travel for 5 years in an RV or travel for 5 years in a sailboat?

16. Would you rather vacation at the beach or in the mountains?

17. Would you rather have a new car or travel around the world?

18. Would you rather have the ability to travel through time, or be able to become anyone?

19. Would you rather travel in a tiny house or a camper van?

20. Would you rather book a pre-made travel tour or build your own itinerary from scratch?

21. Would you rather spend the majority of your money on materialistic things, or spend most of your income on fun experiences such as traveling the world?

22. Would you rather have unlimited free food at any restaurant for the rest of your life, or unlimited free flights anywhere for the rest of your life?

23. Would you rather spend 10 minutes on the moon or 2 weeks paid vacation in Europe?

24. Would you rather travel on a flying carpet or a dragon’s back?

25. Would you rather be able to fly or teleport?

26. Would you rather have a vacation in China or India?

27. Would you rather drive or fly across the country?

28. Would you rather travel alone or live alone?

29. Would you rather have a working flying carpet or a working rabbit’s foot (for luck)?

30. Would you rather buy a beautiful cozy home to live with your soulmate or travel the world with your soulmate?

31. Would you rather have an unlimited international first class ticket or never have to pay for food at restaurants?

32. Would you rather be able to work from home or travel the world for work?

33. Would you rather live in a mansion but be forced to stay inside, or live in a tiny house and be able to travel anywhere you want?

34. Would you rather have a vacation to Italy or Hawaii?

35. Would you rather explore space or the ocean?

36. Would you rather sleep in a tent or rent a cabin?

37. Would you rather never have internet access again or never be able to take an airplane again?

38. Would you rather have a flying car or an amphibious vehicle?

39. Would you rather travel to Venice or Rome?

40. Would you rather go without your car or the Internet for a month?

41. Would you rather travel to London for a week or New York City?

42. On a long car trip, would you rather sleep or do fun activities?

43. Would you rather vacation to a major city or to a remote location?

44. Would you rather be able to instantly teleport to places anywhere in the universe, or would you rather be able to time travel?

45. Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?

46. Would you rather live in your home country or live abroad?

47. Would you rather have to live underground, underwater, or in deep space?

48. Would you rather live in RV or an equivalently sized boat?

49. Would you rather time travel or travel parallel dimension?

50. Would you rather travel with your friends or with your partner?

51. Would you rather spend two weeks traveling to 6 different countries or travel to one country and visit different cities within that country?

52. Would you rather live in a cheap home with a super cheap car and have a lot of money to travel or live in an expensive home with an expensive car while only traveling once a year or so?

53. What would you rather do on a holiday, stay at home, travel domestically, or visit a different country?

54. Would you rather take a cruise or fly to your vacation destination?

55. Would you rather travel to Mexico or Brazil?

56. Would you rather explore the deepest parts of the ocean or outer space?

57. Would you rather have a month of vacation anywhere with all expenses paid, or free McDonald’s chicken nuggets for life?

58. Would you rather have free travel for life or free gas for 20 years?

59. Would you rather forget to pack clean underwear when traveling or forget to pack your footwear?

60. Would you rather have a beach or a ski vacation?

61. Would you rather leave your hometown and never be able to return again, or stay in your hometown but never be able to leave?

62. Would you rather get stuck in traffic for an hour or drive an hour out of your way to get where you’re going?

63. Would you rather live in ancient Greece or ancient Egypt?

64. Would you rather be forced to live in one city or keep moving every month to a different city?

65. If you had to pick one, would you rather spend the rest of your life totally indoors or totally outdoors?

66. Would you rather stay in a luxurious resort that didn’t change their sheets or in a motel that was clean but had a weird smell?

67. Would you rather go to some less traveled place than a place which is a tourist hub?

68. Would you rather stay in a well known campsite, sleeping in a tent for 7 days, or stay in a nice hotel room for 2 days?

69. Would you rather stay at a hotel with no electricity or stay at a hotel with no running water?

70. Would you rather go on a cruise ship or stay in a hotel?

71. Would you rather stay in an Airbnb or Hostel?

72. Would you rather be able to travel anywhere in the world or travel to the international space station and then walk on the moon?

73. Would you rather travel space with 2 random people or live in the 18th century and bring 5 people of your choice with you?

74. Would you rather time travel or travel to an alternate reality?

75. Would you rather travel with Tom Hanks or Harrison Ford?

76. Would you rather travel to South Korea or Japan or a different place in the vicinity?

77. Would you rather take a two week paid vacation overseas or have 4 weeks paid vacation at home?

78. Would you rather travel to New Zealand or Iceland?

79. Would you rather be able to go anywhere in the entire real universe, or travel to all fictional ones?

80. Would you rather own a mansion, yacht or private jet?

81. Would you rather have a bigger or smaller world?

82. Would you rather never be able to travel outside of your country/state, or never be able to return?

83. Would you rather have a magic bag from which you could pull anything you want, or a magic door that would lead to anywhere you want?

84. Would you rather time travel to change history or simply observe it?

85. Would you rather live by the coast or inland?

86. Would you rather know the truth about all the mysteries of the universe or be able to teleport?

87. Would you rather travel through time or go to a distant planet?

88. Would you rather spend 7 relaxing days on a train ride or Have a week long vacation that you do tiring but fun activities every day?

89. Would you rather stay in a 5 star hotel for a week or travel in 1st class on a 24 hour return flight?

90. Would you rather win free airfare for life or free hotel stays for life?

91. Would you rather live in a house in the ocean or a boat on land?

92. Would you rather live somewhere where the temperature never went below 100 degrees (38 C) or where it never went above freezing?

93. Would you rather get a free trip to the moon or a free trip to any 20 cities of your choice?

94. If you could fly either would you rather fly a helicopter or a fixed wing airplane?

95. On an airplane, would you rather sit in a standard economy seat with nobody sitting beside you or would you rather sit in an exit seat with extra legroom, but have someone sitting beside you?

96. Would you rather be on a bus for two hours, or on an airplane?

97. Would you rather have your cross-country flight cancelled or be stuck on a plane with a broken lavatory?

98. Would you rather miss your flight or lose your luggage?

99. If your life depended on it, would you rather have an airplane pilot land your helicopter, or a helicopter pilot land your airplane?

100. Would you rather sit next to a smelly person or an extremely obese person on an airplane?

101. Would you rather have a mega yacht or a private jumbo jet?

102. Would you rather travel in a helicopter or hot air balloon?

Want a question added to this list? Please feel free to contact us.

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