50+ Would You Rather Star Wars Questions for Diehard Fans

Star wars WYR questions

Are you a diehard Star Wars fan looking for some fun ‘Would You Rather’ questions related to Star Wars? Well, here is a collection of 50+ questions that you and your friends are sure to love.

In the world of star wars, would you rather wield the Light Side or the Dark Side of the force?

Would you rather live as a normal human in the Star Wars universe, Harry Potter universe, Skyrim universe, Star Trek universe, Lord of the Rings universe, or the Marvel universe?

Would you rather be a stormtrooper in the Star Wars universe, or a red shirt in the Star Trek universe?

Would you rather be a Sith Lord or Jedi Knight?

Would you rather live in the Star Trek or Star Wars universe?

Would You Rather be a wizard from Harry Potter or a Jedi from Star Wars?

Would you rather have The Force or a lightsaber?

Would you rather join the rebellion or the empire?

Would you rather go out with Padme or Leia from Star Wars?

If you were to become a Jedi, would you rather your lightsaber be green, blue, purple, red, yellow or black?

Which time period in Star Wars would you rather exist in – Pre-Phantom Menace times or The time under the New Republic?

Would you rather be a Jedi or The Avatar?

Would you rather be a Jedi or a Saiyan?

Would you rather Have a Time Machine or Be an actual Jedi?

Would you rather see Luke reform the Jedi Order or start a new order altogether?

Would you rather be a Pokemon trainer or a Jedi Knight?

Would you rather go to Hogwarts (Harry Potter) Or The Jedi Temple?

Would you rather keep Luke’s Jedi Academy or the New Republic?

Would you rather sign up to be a stormtrooper or a rebel trooper?

Would you rather have KTSO, AP5, or R2D2 in real-life?

Would you rather have gotten a real working lightsaber or a real magic wand for Christmas?

Would you rather be a Lantern bearer or a Saiyan?

Would you rather look like Jar Jar Binks from the neck up or look the same but talk like him?

Would you rather have Purge Troopers as clones or humans?

Would you rather have a lightsaber, or have control of the force?

Would you rather have a real functional lightsaber or your pick of any single Pokemon?

Would you rather go out with Padme or Queen Amidala?

Would you rather go out on a date a Navi (Avatar) or a Kaminoan?

Would you rather have one jutsu from Naruto of you’re choice or the force from Star Wars?

Would you rather get a tattoo of Jar-Jar Binks on your forearm, or be woken up every morning by being slapped in the face?

Would you rather live by the jedi code or the sith code?

Would you rather go to Hogwarts and graduate and become a real wizard or train under any Jedi and become a real Jedi?

Would you rather live in a world overrun by zombies, vampires, werewolves or Jar Jar Binks?

Would you rather look like Jar Jar Binks or talk like Jar Jar Binks?

Would you rather sound like Jar-Jar Binks when you become angry or Randy Newman when you’re happy?

Would you rather have Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) or Obi Wan Kenobi as your guardian and mentor?

Would you rather fight 1 Wookiee-sized Ewok or 10 Ewok-sized Wookiee?

Would you rather be friends with a Wookie or a Gungan?

Would you rather be Han Solo or Indiana Jones?

Would you rather have Baby Groot or Baby Yoda?

Would you rather live in a Hobbit house or an Ewok treehouse?

Would you rather fight Goku or Darth Vader?

Would you rather be a Grey Jedi, a Sith, or a Jedi and why?

Would you rather have a lightsaber or a blaster?

Would you rather see a Boba Fett or Jango Fett movie?

Would you rather command a Droid army or a clone army?

Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader?

Which fictitious skill would you rather learn, lightsaber combat from Star Wars or learning how to duel from Harry Potter?

Would you rather be romantically involved with a Jedi or a Sith?

Would you rather have B1 battle droids, super battle droids, droidekas, or MagnaGuards as your protectors?

Would you rather be a Council Jedi, Independent Jedi, Dark Jedi, Inquisitor, or Sith?

Would you rather be a Jedi or a Starfleet Captain?

Would you rather have Thor’s hammer or a lightsaber?

Would you rather have a Mandalorian Wars movie or an Obi-Wan movie?

Would you rather date Sabine or Rey in the Star Wars universe?

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