10 Movies That You and Your Boyfriend Will Love Watching Together

Movie night, the ages old ritual of couples discussing what to watch and coming to no agreement. People who share the same taste in movies with their partners are not very common, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find perfect movies to watch with your boyfriend.

This isn’t a romantic movie list though, I’m going to list just a couple of films that may have a bit for both of you; although if you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment or send them my way!

1. The Descent


Horror movies may be overused when watching with your boyfriend – the snuggling factor is huge! But in this case ‘The Descent’ has a good mix of adventure and also has a bunch of girls in it, so girl power! There are also a lot of action sequences in it, so you won’t get bored.

2. I Love You, Man

Love you man movie poster

Incredibly hilarious but also very romantic, he won’t even notice that he is watching a chick flick. The romance aspect is very light, so it won’t be a sappy movie, plus you’ll both be too busy laughing.

3. 500 Days Of Summer

500 days of summer

The antithesis of a romantic movie, it has both Joseph Gordon Levitt and Zooey Deschanel in it. 500 Days Of Summer has a fabulous soundtrack, so if you guys are into music, this is definitely a must if you haven’t watched it already.

4. Shawn Of The Dead

Zombie movie

A British zombie comedy – yes, you read that right– will keep you laughing and hanging on to your seat. If your boyfriend is a zombie fan or if you just want a good laugh, this lighthearted movie is right for you.

5. Star Wars Marathon

Star wars

Sometimes you just need a little sci-fi in your life. Or maybe your boyfriend is a geek, or you are in which case there is nothing sweeter than building a fort, getting some snacks and just binge-watching the Star Wars movies. Well, it has everything: action, multiple alien species, romance and adventure.

6. Warm Bodies

Warm bodies movie

Remember how Shawn Of The Dead is a zombie comedy? Well, Warm Bodies is a zombie rom-com. Yup, it’s the love story between a zombie and a girl, kinda like a bizarre Romeo and Juliet. Definitely worth a watch, even if it’s just for the giggles!

7. Romeo + Juliet

Romeo Juliet Special Edition

Another one for the fans of music! Along with Moulin Rouge – and directed by the one and only Baz Luhrmann – this is the classic Shakespeare story but told in the 1990’s California. It is a thing of beauty visually and has plenty of action scenes for your beau with tons of romance for you.

8. Scream

Scream movie

This is another 100% horror movie to cuddle up with your honey. Scream is one of the ultimate horror movies of all time, even considered a classic. While it may look a tad dated, that takes nothing from it’s scariness, so you can hug him if you’re scared.

9.Couples Retreat

Couples retreat

Couples retreat as the name suggests is a comedy involving four couples vacationing in a tropical island. This movie is down right hilarious from the word go and is a must watch for couples in love.

10. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Enternal sunshine of the spotless mind

And last – but not least, one of my personal favorites. This movie is pretty dramatic, even though you may be deceived by Jim Carrey being in it. It is in fact heart wrenching, the story of two people in love but separating in a very sci-fi way. It is one of those movies that will make you – and your boyfriend – hug tight and never let go.

Have you watched any of the movies I mentioned with your boyfriend? If so, let me know how it went and which others you suggest! Always keep in mind his tastes as well as yours when choosing a flick, you don’t want to end up falling asleep!