97 Would You Rather Superhero Questions (For Superhero Fans)

WYR superhero edition

Love superheroes? Then you will love these superhero themed would you rather questions. Here they are:

1. Which actor would you rather see as Batman – Ben Affleck, Robert Pattinson or Christian Bale?

2. Would You Rather Be friends With Batman or Indiana Jones?

3. Would you rather have the intelligence of Batman or Ironman?

4. Would you rather have a symbiote like Venom or all the equipment and skills of Batman?

5. Would you rather have Batman’s gear or Spider-Man’s powers?

6. Would you rather have the superpowers of superman, or get a million dollars?

7. Would you rather attend a party hosted by Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne?

8. Would you rather date Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, or Harley Quinn?

9. Which marvel suit would you rather have – Ant Man, Spiderman, Black Panter, Dr. Strange or Iron Man?

10. Would you rather see Mysterio vs Scarecrow, Black Cat vs Cat-woman, Joker vs Green Goblin, Bane vs Venom or Killer Croc Vs Lizard?

11. Would you rather have superhuman hearing or superhuman vision?

12. Which superhero movie would you rather watch three times a day for an entire week – Avengers Infinity War, Aquaman, Venom, Avengers Age of Ultron, Spider-Man Far From Home?

13. Which superhero team would you rather be a member of – Avengers, Teen Titans, Justice League, X Men, Transformers, Powerpuff Girls, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy or Doom Patrol?

14. Would you rather have all the superpowers of every superhero combined or be a billionaire?

15. Would you rather date a superhero or a supervillain?

16. Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero?

17. Would you rather be a superhero or super villain?

18. Would you rather be a billionaire supervillain or a poor superhero that never gets paid for doing good?

19. Would you rather live in a world of magic, a world of superheroes or a world of advanced technology?

20. Would you rather have a million dollars or the ability to fly?

21. Would you rather be Spider-Man or be a Jedi Knight? Why?

22. Which useless superpower would you rather have – No wet socks ever, Never have to wash hair, Never have to take a bath, Every sneeze a tree gets planted, rains in the desert every time you laugh?

23. Would you rather have flight power or you can get anything on eBay for free?

24. Would you rather have one superpower of your choice or 1 million dollars every year?

25. Would you rather have Fire Powers or Ice Powers?

26. Would you rather be able to shapeshift, teleport, fly, or become invisible?

27. Would you rather have Wolverine’s abilities or Magneto’s abilities?

28. Would you rather have Wolverine’s healing or Nightcrawler’s teleportation?

29. Would you rather have Wolverine Claws or a Lightsaber?

30. Would you rather have the powers of Iceman from X-Men or Human Torch from Fantastic 4?

31. Would you rather have the abilities of Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Martian Manhunter, or Cyborg?

32. Would you rather have the batmobile Or Wonder Woman’s Invisible Jet?

33. Would you rather have a batmobile or batcomputer?

34. Which one of those superhero tools would you rather possess – The Portal Gun, The Invisibility Cloak, Iron Man’s Suit, A LightSaber, Green lantern Ring or The Phonewave?

35. Would you rather have psychic powers or a green lantern ring?

36. Would you rather be Batman or Robin?

37. Would you rather have Goku’s instant transmission, or Naruto’s Shadow Clone Jutsu?

38. Of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Would You Rather be Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, or Donatello?

39. Would You Rather be a Power Ranger or Ninja Turtle?

40. Would you rather have a lightsaber of your choice or the Iron man suit?

41. Would you rather have the Venom symbiote, Thor’s hammer Mjolnir or Rick sanchez’ Portal gun?

42. Would you rather have the powers of Thor or Loki?

43. Would you rather have two Marvel superheroes powers or two DC superheroes powers?

44. Would you rather have the speech pattern of Yoda or Starfire?

45. Would you rather be Doctor House, Doctor Who or Doctor Strange?

46. Would you rather have the powers of Darth Vader or Dr Strange?

47. Would you rather have Yondu’s Arrow or Dr. Strange’s cape?

48. Which one of the Avengers would you rather hang out with – Captain America, Iron Man, Spider Man, Dr. Strange or Ant Man?

49. Which race would you rather be born of, Kryptonian, Asgardian, Kree, Saiyan, or New God?

50. Who would you rather be, Ghost Rider, Lobo, Punisher, or Deadpool?

51. What would you rather have a choice of, Captain America’s shields, any Iron Man armor of your choosing or either of Thor’s weapons?

52. Would you rather have the strength of Thor, Hulk, and Superman combined, or all of Iron Man’s suits?

53. Would you rather have Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth or one of Iron Man’s gauntlets?

54. Would you rather team up with Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel?

55. Would you rather be able to fly like Superman or be invisible like Susan Storm?

56. Would you rather join the Avengers or the Justice League? Why?

57. Who would you rather have on your superhero team, Tony Stark or Reed Richards?

58. Would you rather be Spider-Man but broke, or yourself but rich?

59. Would you rather have Deadpool’s or Naruto’s healing factor?

60. Who would you rather have as a father: Batman or Superman?

61. Would you rather be James Bond or Bruce Wayne?

62. Would you rather rely on Captain America or Batman to protect your life against their main villain?

63. Who would you rather chill with, Superman, Batman, Ironman or Thor?

64. What would you rather have – Superman’s heat vision or Goku’s Kamehameha?

65. Would you rather be a villain with 5 powers of your choice or a hero with only 1?

66. What power would you rather have, Magneto level magnetism or Jedi Master level control of The Force?

67. Would you rather have Juggernaut’s helmet or Magneto’s helmet to fight in the Marvel Universe?

68. Who would you rather have the powers of, Dr. Manhattan or Franklin Richards?

69. Who would you rather be with, Scarlet Witch or Storm?

70. Who would you rather be, the Flash or Professor X?

71. Would you rather have Purple Man’s power or Iron Fist’s power?

72. Would you rather have the power of Thor or Zeus?

73. Would you rather have a Mother Box or an Infinity Stone, and why?

74. Would you rather be a Kryptonian, Saiyan or Speedster?

75. Would you rather have a White Lantern ring, or Thor’s axe Stormbreaker?

76. Would you rather be a part of HYDRA or SHIELD?

77. Would you rather be The Flash or Supergirl for a day, and why?

78. Would you rather work for Thanos, Darth Vader, or Voldemort?

79. Would you rather date – Thor, Loki, or Captain America?

80. Would you rather be the child of Zeus or Loki?

81. Would you rather have the powers of Thor or the powers of the Flash?

82. Which would you rather have, the Green Lantern Ring or the Nova Helmet?

83. Which energy would you rather have access to, Odin Force, Power Stone, or Thor’s lightning?

84. Would you rather have Iron Man’s suit or black panther’s suit?

85. Would you rather live in Wakanda or Asgard?

86. Would you rather be king of Wakanda or Atlantis?

87. Who would you rather be, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger?

88. Would you rather be born into a Naruto world or a Dragon Ball Z world?

89. Would you rather have Kamehameha or Rasengan?

90. Would you rather have Bruce Wayne or Bruce Banner in real life?

91. Considering that you don’t know their superhero personas, would you rather work for Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne?

92. Would you rather be best friends with Peter Parker, Clark Kent, or Shuri, and why?

93. Would you rather have a Marvel Comics Cosmic Cube or a DC Comics Mother Box?

94. Would you rather have the strength of Thor, Hulk, and Superman combined, or all of Iron Man’s suits?

95. Would you rather be Captain America with Mjolnir or Iron Man?

96. Would you rather train with Captain America or Deathstroke?

97. Would you rather have Captain America’s shield or the Omnitrix?

If you liked these questions, then you will also love the WYR Avengers Edition and WYR Star Wars Edition. Make sure to check them out!